The Incomparable Cordless Pro III
The Incomparable Cordless Pro III
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The Pro III delivers Localized-High-Frequency-Vibration (LHFV). The primary reason to own one is, it does what NO OTHER DEVICE can. This tool has a comfortable vibrating head. There is no "punching" like a percussive device,...
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Rapid Release Training Rapid Release Training Rapid Release Training Rapid Release Training Rapid Release Training
The Pro III delivers Localized-High-Frequency-Vibration (LHFV). The primary reason to own one is, it does what NO OTHER DEVICE can. This tool has a comfortable vibrating head. There is no "punching" like a percussive device, so you can use the Pro III over more areas. No tool in the body-work industry vibrates at 150 cycles per second, (10,000 cycles per minute) at the surprisingly low and comfortable amplitude (1/16th of an inch) with 5 individual contact surfaces on a single cap AND a thermal surface that gets pleasantly warm and never hot! Used alone or as a compliment to any physical modality, LHFV is incredibly safe and remarkably effective in several areas: Relaxing tight or over worked muscles; increasing local blood and lymph flow to bring oxygen and remove stagnant waste products; and, to enhance fascial efficiency by lifting adhered layers so lubricating extracellular fluid can flow between surfaces and restore optimal gliding.